MW Electrical Services

What does Part P 18th Edition Mean?

MW Electrical Services in York are Part P 18th Edition trained, which means that we are fully up to date with Government regulations and compliant with Building Regulations. Part P ensures that electrical installation are safe. 

The principle of the Building Regulations is to ensure that consistent standards are applied to the construction of buildings including its structure, fire safety, sound insulation, drainage, ventilation and electrical safety.

The Part P requirement is that: “Reasonable provision shall be made in the design and installation of electrical installations in order to protect persons operating, maintaining or altering the installations from fire or injury.” This means that all electrical installations must be safe.

Part P of the Building Regulations applies to fixed electrical installations in dwellings (including gardens and shared amenities in blocks of flats, and any building that shares its electricity supply with a dwelling). As MW Electrical are registered with the NICEIC, you can be assured that we are ‘competent persons’ under the Part P Regulations. We can self-certify our work as being compliant with Building Regulations, saving you the time of doing it yourself through the local authority.

Note that it is a criminal offence to carry out work that does not comply with building regulations with a maximum fine of £5,000, and failure to use a regulation who is not able to self certify their work may cause you problem should you try to see your home.